Top Ten Supplements to Kick Colds, Flus and Boost Your Immunity

November 10, 2011 | By | General, General | Share
Top Ten Supplements to Kick Colds, Flus and Boost Your Immunity

We have a host of immune system products in our dispensary which provides a powerful combination of herbs and nutrients to support the body’s natural defense system. We are always looking for the most scientifically researched and clinically effective supplements to add to our large dispensary for our patients and customers. Please stop by our clinic or make an appointment with one of our physicians to discuss the safety, dosages and and/or individual recommendations for your or your family members. Below are my top 10 top immune boosting supplements to kick colds, flus and to boost your immunity:

PhytoImmune (BioGenesis):

• A blend of vitamins and standardized herbal extracts to support the immune system during times of stress and travel.
• Acts as a tonic to reduce the immune system’s susceptibility to infection.
• Adult (16 years or older) Dosage Recommendations: 2 capsules, 2 times per day for 2 weeks.
• Children (9-16 years) Dosage Recommendations: 1 capsule, 3 times per day for 2 weeks.

Para Biotic Plus (BioGenesis):

• Antimicrobial action with concentrated oils from berberine, thyme, wormwood and olive leaf extracts.
• Protective to both, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.
• Adult (12 years and older) Dosage Recommendations: 1-2 capsules, 2 times per day for 7-14 days.
• Not recommended for children under the age of 12.

ViraCon (Vital Nutrients):

• A powerful combination of herbal extracts that have shown immune enhancing antiviral activity in scientific studies. Helps support and maintain normal respiratory function and energy.
• Adult (16 years of age or older) Dosage Recommendations: 1 capsule, 4 times daily for 5 days.
• Children (12 to 16 years) Dosage Recommendations: 1 capsule, 4 times daily for 5 days.

Esberitox ® (Integrative Therapeutics):

• Combines two types of Echinacea with two additional immune-enhancing herbs in a tasty and convenient chewable.
• Over 30 clinical trials showing efficacy and top selling remedy in Europe.
• Adult (over 12 years) Dosage Recommendations: 3 tablets, 3 times daily.
• Children (6-12 years) Dosage Recommendations: 2 tablets, 3 times daily.
• Children (2-5 years) Dosage Recommendations: 1 tablet, 3 times daily.

ViraClear EPS 7630 ® (Integrative Therapeutics):

• Cherry flavored, alcohol-free syrup which is a homeopathic remedy from the South African Pelargonium Sidoides plant.
• Used to treat cough, sore throat, congestion, sinusitis, and other respiratory tract infections.
• Shortens the duration of upper respiratory tract infections and reduces severity of infections.
• Adult (12 years or older) Dosage Recommendations: 1 ½ teaspoons, 3 times daily.
• Children (2-12 years) Dosage Recommendations: 1 teaspoon, 4 times daily.

Sambucus ® (Integrative Therapeutics):

• Black elderberry syrup.
• A potent standardized syrup of Elderberry, a natural antiviral.
• The level of ingredients allows for optimal effectiveness.
• Adult (12 years or older) Dosage Recommendations: 2 teaspoons, 4 times daily.
• Children (2-12 years of age) Dosage Recommendations: 1 teaspoon, 4 times daily.

Mucaplex TM (Integrative Therapeutics)

• Vegetarian guaifenesin expectorant. This formula helps make coughs more productive by helping remove excess phlegm (mucus) from respiratory airways due to bronchial irritations. MucaPlex™ is designed to thin mucous secretions during a short-term respiratory illness.
• Adult (12 years of age or older) Dosage Recommendations: 1 to 2 tablets every 4 hours, not to exceed 12 tablets in 24 hours.
• Children (6 to under 12 years of age) Dosage Recommendations : 1/2 to 1 tablet every 4 hours, not to exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours.
• Children (under 6 years of age) Dosage Recommendations: consult with a physician.

WinterBerry (New World Naturals):

• Concentrated liquid syrup of dark berries including Elderberery, which has both antiviral and immune boosting effects.
• Elderberry has shown to be active against both Influenza A and B.
• Adult (12 year) Dosage Recommendations: 1 tablespoon, 2 times per day.
• Children (2-6 years) Dosage Recommendations: ½ tablespoon per day.

Mycoferon (Metagenics):

• A unique formula that combines live mycelia and fruiting stages of seven specially cultivated medicinal mushrooms.
• Medicinal mushrooms have a long history of traditional use as invigorating immune tonics and are currently being studied for its immune boosting properties in cancer and HIV patients.
• Dosage Recommendations: 15-30 drops, 2-3 times per day.

Probiotics (Pharmax & Metagenics):

• Strains of “friendly” bacteria that increase antibody production and help prevent respiratory tract infections.
• In particular, studies show that children who take probiotics get fewer and less severe respiratory tract infections and are at lower risk of developing flu-like symptoms.
• Adult (12 years and older) Dosage Recommendations: (HLC Intensive – Pharmax) 1 capsule per day.
• Children (6-12 years) Dosage Recommendations: (UltraFlora Plus – Metagenics) 1 capsule or ½ teaspoon per day.
• Children (2-6 years) Dosage Recommendations: (UltraFlora Plus) ¼ teaspoon per day.

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